Name: Gold Rank
14.25 11.40
Prefix: GOLD
Discord Role: Gold
- /crawl, /spin, /bellyflop - Cosmetic action commands.
- /trash - A virtual garbage disposal for throwing items away.
- /enderchest - A virtual ender chest to use.
- /extinguish - Will extinguish you if you are on fire.
- /auto, /autodrops - Ability to automatically send mined blocks and mob drops to your inventory.
- Access to 6 Homes
- Access to 10 Auction House Slots
- Access to 3 Usable Vaults
- Access to 6 Jobs
- Access to 12 Active Quests
- Access to Protected Angel Chests (No one can steal your stuff)
- Access to 5 Player Warp Slots
- Access to Vein Miner (/veinminer toggle)
+ Lower Rank Benefits
On-Purchase Bonuses:
- 4 Tag Keys
- 2 Elite Key All for all online players!
- 1 Sell Wand with 500 Uses
- 1 Harvest Hoe with 150 Uses
- 1 Sort Wand with 150 Uses
NOTE: Claim On-Purchase Bonuses with /reclaim! This can only be executed once.